Catching Up

First and foremost, some of you may have seen a partial post yesterday. I do apologize for any confusion.
These are the beautiful roses my dear husband sent me for our anniversary. It was a surprise and a wonderful one at that (I do love surprises!)

I'm so behind in everything right now I'm a little amazed that I'm even posting right now. My head is starting to clear, the coughing has lessened, and I'm pretty sure my motivation has picked back up. Hopefully, the crud is starting to dissipate!! Of course, I need to take youngest niece to the dentist today to have some teeth removed. That'll be loads of fun! I'm just glad I'm feeling better in order to do it.

Of course, I have gotten a few things done since I've been ill

I listed a new item in the shop:
Buttons in Black Necklace

I made a spooky floating ghost for my foyer

I finished all the current books in the House of Night series (yes, it's another collection of teen vampire novels.) The series itself is alright. I did get a little peeved with the writing and editing throughout the books. However, the story is pretty good, that's why I trudged through and read all of them.

Since I am feeling better, I really do have a lot to get done today (my house is in desperate need of some attention) before I go get littlest miss from school.
I'll leave you with some more Halloween crafts:

OH!! And, here's a picture of my foyer Halloween display (sorry the picture's so bad, there's no natural light in there)

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