Meal Plan Oct 11 and Easy, Microwave Scalloped Potato Recipe

Last week's menu was a success, at least the dinners were. The Parmesan sage pork chops went over quite well as did the mac-n-cheese with Conecuh sausage. What also went over well were the potatoes I made to go with the pork chops. For those, I went with was easy, microwaved scalloped potatoes, a recipe my grandmother shared with me may years ago. Below this week's menu you'll find my instructions for these potatoes.

As far as this week's menu, we are repeating a bunch of the lunches from last week since we didn't get to them. Instead, we ate leftovers (we really did love the menu last week), and then I got sick (causing the menu to get left in the dust.) Since I am still sickly, the menu for this week is rather lazy as well. I do apologize!!

You can find other menus over at I'm an Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday for this week!
Here's mine:
B: Cereal
L: Bean burritos
D: Ham and Potato Soup

B: Muffins
L: Turkey Sandwiches
D: Our anniversary (out to eat)

B: Cereal
L: Tuna Noodles
D: Hamburger Helper, green beans

B: Omelets
L: Ham and Cheese quesidillas
D:  Hope in Mobile

B: Cereal
L: Soup and grilled cheese
D: Pat has a gig

B: Pumpkin bread
L: Pizza
D: Rotisserie Chicken, Mashed potatoes, peas

B: Eggs, bacon, toast
L: Chicken salad roll-up
D: Spaghetti

Now for the instruction on those yummy potatoes
Easy, Microwave Scalloped Potatoes
Potatoes (any kind, I like red ones myself)
Salt & Pepper
Granulated Garlic

1. Wash potatoes, then slice them and the onions as thin as possible
2. Place one layer of potatoes in bottom of microwave safe casserole dish
3. Top the layer with slices of onions, pats of butter, salt, pepper, and garlic.
4. Repeat layers of potatoes and onions/spices until you reach the top of the dish. Before adding the onions/spices to the top layer; pour about 1/4 cup of milk over the whole thing.
5. Place dish in the microwave and heat for about 10 minutes (less if you are using a small casserole dish.) If potatoes are not done at ten minutes, continue to heat and check in one minute increments until done.

*Cheese and other spices can easily be added to this dish to make it to your own taste

So that's it for today. I'm going to get back to nursing my cold and trying to get back up to speed. Here's hoping!


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