Another Fall Weekend Slipped Through Our Fingers

**If you're here to see what I made for Lorelei's Reader's Challenge, scroll down**

Wouldn't you know it. . . just as I'm starting to feel better, Pat catches it. Darn germs!!
Hopefully it works its way through his system faster than mine. I hate for him to be sick more than I hate for myself to be, I think. . .
Even though he just started feeling it Sunday morning, we still had a pretty laid back weekend - he played in the band on Friday, we football-ed it most of Saturday, and then a lazy day at the house on Sunday (especially since his symptoms really started to kick in.)
It's a shame that we secluded ourselves inside all weekend when the weather outside was pretty close to perfect. I'm going to push myself to try to spend some time with nature this week (even if it's just out on the sun porch.) And that sounds so weird for some of you I'm sure since my next topic is All Hallow's Eve!!

In any case, since Halloween is less than two weeks away, I've marked down the related items in my shop. YES! Halloween Jewelry in the CratyHope Shop is 25% off!! Here are the items that are currently still available.
Pumpkin Perch Bracelet - Now $11.25
Drop By This Halloween Necklace - Now $18.75
Scaredy Cat Halloween Necklace - Now $22.50
Don't let these deals pass you by!! ;)

Now, with Halloween on the brain, let me go ahead and share some more fun Halloween ideas and links with you:
That's all for now, but keep in mind that my Monday Meal Plan will be up later today with a requested recipe, so stay tuned!!

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