A Blogiversary! For ME?

Apparently, today is my three-year Blogiversary. . .

Some days it feels like I have been blogging for at least that long, and at other times it feels like I am still a newbie. I know I don't have many followers, I know I still have plenty to learn, I know I WILL keep trudging along.

I'm constantly over-analyzing why I want to have and write a blog, what I want it to be about, and what my voice for it should be. But, after three years, I think it's too late. It is what it is. I don't want to start another blog with another focus. I tried that and had way too hard of a time focusing on the two. One is plenty. Sure, it's part journal, part craft, part link sharing, part meal-planning and recipes, and all the other randomness I throw in the mix; but it's ALL ME!! I'm all-over-the-place just like this blog is. So, on my third blogiversary, I'm just going to embrace this blog (figuratively of course) for what it is. . .an extension of me. I hope you like us and keep coming back for more. Of course, the blog will continue to evolve and grow just like I try to do.

It goes without saying that you, as a reader of this blog, may have some input or insight or desire to see something ELSE or something MORE here. I welcome your ideas! Seriously!! I want to know what you come here to see/read. I can't promise that you'll see more of that. But, I can promise that I will take it into consideration. So let me know: do you want to see more of my jewelry, more tutorials, more crazy links, more recipes and meal plans, more pictures of the area, more on how I organize the craft room, or some other topic that I've taken off on a tangent before. Please let me know.

Otherwise, I'm just going to keep rambling on and on!! Thanks for coming back, no matter what the reason is! I appreciate you!

Oh - and if you want proof that it's been THREE WHOLE YEARS, here's a link to my very first post. I think I've gotten a little better at this blogging thing. . . maybe.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

Winding down the 100DayProject

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