Looking Forward to What's to Come

Do you believe that how you spend your New Year's Day is indicative of how you will spend the rest of the year?
I tend to trust in this line of thinking; and, after a day like today, I hope so!

My means of welcoming in the new year did not turn out as I had hoped, but how I did spend it was lovely.
The morning was just as nice - yummy homemade breakfast, some crafting, and "quality" time with LOML.
Then, some time spent in hiking in the woods.And, a stroll through a pitcher plant bog. Unfortunately the pitcher plants were not in the best condition.Lunch down in Gulf Shores was also a fun experience. I even won a contest.
I then spent some time with my mom, talked to a few friends, and am now blogging before I head off to watch one of my favorite movies on the big TV.

I hope the rest of the year is like this - time spent with the people I love (husband, family, and friends), doing the things I love (dining, crafting, light exercise, blogging, and movies), in the places I love (my home, nature - the woods AND beach, local hot spots, and my mom's house.)
Yes, this should be a good year!!

I hope your day was just as pleasing and the outlook for your year is just as optimistic.

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