Ball Prep and Hair Cuts (ThTh)

I hope you guys have been more crafty than I have been this week.Geez! Getting ready for this ball has basically taken away all my free time. Tonight will be another night of no-go crafting - kinda. I will be prepping decorations and making food for the ball. This usually involves mass amounts of glitter, some hot glue, and lots of food cutting/ rolling. So, it can be crafty - but not in the personal kind of way.

I do look forward to this night as one of my best friends and I get tickled every year (and everyone else thinks we're nuts) because our typical assigned job is to 'cut the cheese.' Inevitably, we make cracks about how "I'm cutting more cheese than you are" and "The cheese that I'm cutting is bigger than yours." followed by mass amounts of giggling. By the way, we both made it out of middle school without a problem.

Moving on, I was successfully able to go out and get LOML and my hair cut last night. We both avoid this activity like the plague. Neither of us care for the chit-chat in which you must engage with the hairdresser. We'd both rather just answer questions about how the hair should be cut and wait patiently while it gets done. We like this one place and had a great guy cutting both of us. He would talk the entire time, just ramble on, and all we had to do was reply with the standard 'Uh-huh's', 'Oh yeah's', and 'Really's'. He wasn't there last night (frown). So, we endured the random, awkward conversation with the very nice young lady who worked with us and then got the heck out of there. I guess it's a little weird that we're both so anti-smalltalk, but what's funnier is how long we can discuss (afterwards) the the bits and pieces of the uncomfortable exchange. We laugh and laugh about how much we hate that part of getting our hair cut. I know we're weird, but perfectly made for each other.

I guess that's enough chit-chat from me for now. You probably came here for "Thrifty Thursday" anyway. I gotta give the people what they want:Looks like I'm a little chatty today. Sorry!! I must be light-headed from the haircut. Get it? he he he he. Later!

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