Blogging Self-Pity

Geez, I must be pretty boring or a really bad host. After looking over my analytics program, I realize that I'm getting fewer and fewer visitors. The ones who actually visit are only staying for less than a minute.

I've got to find some way to get some more attention here. Flashing my boobs always worked for me in college. Yet, I'm not drunk enough to try THAT this morning. I'm also not really sure what to do to improve this standing either. Suggestions? - Wait, who am I kidding? If you guys aren't leaving comments, answering polls, or reading this BS for more than a minute, why would I expect you to give me some suggestions. . .

I'll continue to post here for my own selfish, misguided reasons, and I'll pretend that I'm getting more attention than you.

Aaaaaand, since I'm being selfish - I shall post a picture of my cat for me to enjoy!
After a long day of highlighting, Asia collapses in a spot of sunshine in the floor while still clutching the bright yellow tube.


  1. I'm still here! =)

    One of the most common suggestions for improving readership is to leave comments on other blogs. Sometimes I get into a rut and read only blogs I am fiercely loyal too; however, in the past week, I've discovered a few new blogs I enjoy!

    Also, commenting on crafty message boards help too (have your blog address as part of your 'signature line').

  2. Bella - Thanks for the advice. I'm just in a self-loathing phase right now and wanted to have my own pity party. Sorry to take it out on my few loyal readers. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

  3. Hope, what the hell?!? "Flashing my boobs always worked for me in college." You can be credited for a lot of crazy things back then, but I don't know about that one. We even went to Mardi Gras together. So, if it didn't happen then, I just don't believe it happened at all :)

  4. Ben - Oh, it sooo happened. You just weren't around when I was being that bad. Maybe you should have been, then I wouldn't have done such stupid stuff.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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