Crafting is My Energy Source

I'm so freakin' tired today. It's my own fault for staying out at my mom's house so late after my Mardi Gras meeting last night.
I also lacked a great deal of creativity yesterday and only made a few doodles during the meeting and then while visiting with my mom. I find that the days I actually spend engrossed in a craft are some of the best days. They leave me thirsting for more and driving to start a new day. Yesterday was NOT one of those days. I'm hoping today will, but I've got a few things to take care of over the next few days/weeks in preparation for the Mardi Gras Ball.
Now, my mind is reeling with thoughts of what my next project will be. Hmmmm, so many possibilities. I need to finish a few of the started ones first.

Anyway, here's a big WOOOO HOOO for "Wild, Wild Web Wednesday"I hope your Wednesday is WILD!!! Or does this post fulfill those requirements for you?

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