Friday Failures (FGF)

I don't know if you noticed any of my Twitter updates today, but today did not start very well. First, I couldn't sleep last night due to the zombie dreams (a recurring theme for me.) Of course the Zombie signs in Austin that all over the news probably didn't help.

Then, there was NO COFFEE at work. I was already so tired and cranky that the lack of coffee was not a good thing (for anyone in my general vicinity.) At long last, the boss' wife arrived with some and things started looking up.

I left work at noon-ish to get a nap and start packing for the ball. I came home, ate some lunch, and slid into the bed. It's now almost 6pm and I'm still no closer to being packed that I was when I left work. I ROCK!!

In any case, it's "Feel Good Friday" and here are some topics that made me feel a bit better today:
That's all for now - I've still got a ton to do tonight and I'm starving. Let's see if I can get LOML to stop working. SIGH!!

1 comment:

  1. The kittens were cute! I bet they liked the warmth. They looked like Figaro did.


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