Thrifty Thursday

I've been saving up all kinds of thrifty-related pictures and projects to share here, but somehow it always gets away from me. I'm making a point to got to it today.

Last week, I showed you pictures of the thrift store goodness I found. I didn't mention the ones I didn't buy. However, there were two items I spotted at an antique store which I passed on buying. I was still thinking about them on Sunday, so I knew they had to be mine.
This Holly Hobbie lunchbox (WITH Thermos) was a steal at only $8. It does have some damage to the back of it and really needs to be cleaned. But, it's just SO AWESOME!!

As well, this little jar of buttons was a whopping $5, but it had SO MANY colorful buttons that I just HAD to have it.

On other 'thrifty' topics, I've been wanting to share these Christmas gifts (YES, I KNOW it's March!) that I made for two of my friends. They were not only thrifty because they were handmade, but also because I made them with items I already had at the house.
I've been collecting zippers for some time to try to make these rosette brooches and finally broke down and made them. They turned out better than I expected. I might actually work on some more for the shop before too long as I keep finding fun zippers at the thrift stores. However, I've got to find a "prettier" way to secure the pins on the back. How bo-bo does that look to you?
These coffee cozies weren't completely thrifty as I did have to make a trip to a well-known coffee chain to purchase me a hot beverage in order to ensure that I made these felt ones to the right size ;) . I did enjoy getting to use my embroidery supplies for actual embroidering though!

I hope y'all checked out the Giveaways I mentioned yesterday (because what's more thrifty than FREE). In that vein, I found a few more to share with you today.
1.  Lady Noble is having a necklace giveaway. You just need to help her name her newest design.
2. Cyndi L at Beading Arts is giving away a copy of "Vintage-Style Beaded Jewelry". Go check out her review of the book and the details for entering.

To round-out this post, here are some related links

Thrifty Thursday:

Crafty Links (topic: recycle):
The sun is out and shining today so I might actually get something accomplished in the craft room. . .if I can get off this dang computer first! Let me go see what I can do.


  1. The zip roses are gorgeous, very creative.

  2. Jenni -
    Aw thanks so much!! Thank you and thanks for stopping by!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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