At The End of the Day

Wednesday is officially over, but I couldn't let myself go to bed without posting my Bead Table Wednesday photos and sharing a few other bits of loveliness.

First, my cousin contacted me about making a custom piece involving some shrink plastic and buttons. How could I refuse? So, while the rain poured down and the lightening flashed so much I thought I was a celebrity; I crafted to my little heart's content.

Check out some of the other fabulous Bead Tables in the BTW Flickr Group
Bead Table Wednesday

I did list a new set of earrings today, but they sold quickly. This is what they looked like.

However, another set of earrings were placed on sale and are still in the shop.
Pearly Presence Earrings - 15% OFF

Lastly, now that I'm finally catching back up on OTHER blog posts, I've stumbled upon a couple of great giveaways.
1. Lorelei is hosting a nice one for a book and more. Head over to her blog to watch the video for the details.
2. Steph at Confessions of a Bead Hoarder is also having a fantastic giveaway as she clears out some of her beads to make room for some new ones. It's a nice haul!

It's way past bed time, so I'm out for now. Hopefully I can get back on schedule soon.


  1. Your making me want to break out the shrink plastic too - it's another rainy day here so maybe I will! XOXO

  2. Patty - I'd love to see what beautiful things YOU can create with shrink plastic. It's one of my favorite materials. It's like MAGIC!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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