The Weekend, Winning, and Some Inspiration (FGF)

Can you tell yesterday's post was written in a rush? Boy, that was awful. I do apologize. I was in a rush to try to get that post up while dinner was cooking.

I don't really have much to say today other than: I'm glad it's FRIDAY and the weekend will be nice.

I forgot to tell y'all that after I posted last Friday I got some good news. I won a copy of "Button It Up" by Susan Bean from Susan herself on her West Coast Crafty Blog. In fact, she's going to sign the book to me before sending it. I can't wait!! I've got so many buttons and need some inspiration on what to do with all of them (especially since I don't really sew.) I can't wait to get my copy of "Button It Up". Be sure to check back 'cause I'll be posting more about getting the book, my buttons, and any projects I do.

Plans for the weekend continue to excite me as does the prospect of Margarita Friday. Therefore, "Feel Good Friday" is in full swing!!!
  • In a perfect world (kindness)
  • All that doodling I did in college and even in meetings during my last job did have a purpose. I did it to stay focused on the class/ meeting/ speaker. NOW they find that it really works. HA HA - I am smarter than I act sometimes.
  • Here's some inspiration for designing your own creative space. Most of these are "fabric artists" (those who use a sewing machine expertly), but the spaces are beautiful and definitely inspiring.
  • art music video
Don't forget that it's daylight savings this weekend - we "Spring Forward" an hour. That means while we lose a single hour, we get more daylight after work!!! Hurray, more beach time in the afternoons.

Well, I'm ready to head into the craft room now if it weren't for the dang paying work that I have to do first. Y'all have a great weekend.

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