Funny Girls (ThTh)

Not much more has been accomplished on the Etsy adventure. I was able to verify my PayPal account and find some how-to's that I need to review. Other than that, Nada.

I did have a night with the nieces last night and, boy, was that an adventure. It started a little rough as the youngest (Miss Pirate) was in a foul mood but hilarity soon ensued. Following dinner, the oldest (HRH) and I were working on homework when this entered the room:As soon as I started snapping pictures, hilarity ensued.
When homework was done, the fun continued as Miss Pirate began to sing "This Little Light of Mine" while showering. She sang for the entire shower. It was awesome!!!

Moving on. . . It's "Thifty Thursday" so here we go:Guess what? Tomorrow is FRIDAY - Hooray! It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend here: sunny and in the mid-70's. LOML's best friend will be in town and his plans include drinking at the beach. Works for us!!
That's all for now. Later gators!

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