Lots to Do (FGF)

I've been so busy (and thus worn out) and excited and busy this week that posting here just has not been feasible. My mom became the president of our Mardi Gras society on Tuesday and the whole week has been about that. We've been planning for this for years, now it's time to finalize all the plans, have the meetings, and start acting on the lists. I get tired telling you all this now.

Unfortunately, I had to tell LOML that he's pretty much lost me for a year. He'll have me back in full as soon as it's all over, but for now I need to devote time to help my mom. As far as this weekend, he gets me tonight and tomorrow. On Sunday, I need to keep the nieces out of the house while my mom has a meeting. Then she, her best friend, and I need to make some calls. On Monday, we have an appointment to start designing our costumes. HOW FUN!! But, busy. Next weekend doesn't have a lot of prospects for LOML to get much quality time with me either. Good thing he's got a few friends and lots of hobbies. I do feel bad though.

Let's go ahead and kick this weekend off right with some "Feel Good Friday"
  • These pictures of waves are so very beautiful, They make me want to head down to the beach, but it's way too cold even here to get in the water yet. It does make me happy that I live so close to the beach.
  • We all could use some rest, so here are 10 ways to get better sleep.
  • These time quotes, really help to put some things in perspective.
  • This is another one of those links that I couldn't decide if it belonged in Thrifty or Feel Good, but since it's a weekend guide and most of the ideas will make you feel good, it’s here - a thrifty guide to the weekend.
Now go on out an enjoy the weekend to the best of your ability.
I wanna know what your plans are. People, I need to know you're out there and I'm not just writing to watch my fingers on the keyboard - leave me some comments (PLEASE!!)


  1. We are out here. And yes do read your blog and love the links. Tell mom congrats for me. I would so love to make it down there next year. K-phx

  2. I'm out here! And glad to find someone else who loves to craft as much as I do.

    My current obessions are mixed media and beading. I told my husband that when he finally does have me committed, I'll run the crafts program at the asylum!

    -Jane in Albuquerque

  3. Thanks guys - I've been a bad blogger this week. Hopefully, I'll get back in the groove as soon as I'm feeling better.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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