Being Frugal-ish and a Meal Plan

I wouldn't say I'm a 'cheap' jewelry artist. . .more like thrifty. . .or economical.
I grew up without much money and learned to make do with as little as possible. 
Though times have changed, I can't seem to shift my penny pinching habits and the ingrained lesson that if you want something, just make it yourself. 
With frugality constantly in mind, I'm always grateful for sale items and generous friends.
As such, the below items I scored last week really brought a smile to my face.

Hobby Lobby had lots of Vintaj pieces on clearance. I scooped up as much as I felt brave enough to spend!

As well, a sweet friend handed me a baggie of some of her old jewelry to play with. I was able to re-work some pieces that she liked to give back to her. Afterwards, I was still left with these treasures.

Anyway, I just thought I share some of the cool items that can be gained with very little money at all.

It's time to share my menu! The dinner menu is a little weak because we've got a lot going on a few evenings. . .including going out to dinner for our 9th Anniversary!!

Breakfasts: Bagels, cereal/grits, hashbrown baskets, pumpkin cream cheese muffins, omelets, cinnamon sugar croissants

Lunches: Turkey sandwiches, tuna noodles, chicken salad, pepperoni pizza puffs, chicken fingers w/baked beans, PB&J

Cheese ravioli w/shrimp and a salad
Grilled Steak w/sweet potatoes & green beans

Check out more Menu Plan Monday over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Re-listed these today.
Liking the Difference Earrings

I'm off to do some more frugal shopping as I head out to the dollar store to scope out possibilities! How do you save money to make jewelry?


  1. Save every bit of silver and copper scrap then recycle it :)

    I'll also take something apart that hasn't sold and renew it!

  2. No Vintaj at our Hobby Lobby, but I did find my hubby some charms for his upcycled silverware jewelry, and I ALWAYS dig through their clearance yarn...and come home with more than my fair share! Kudos on the meal plan...I just can't plan ahead like that *sigh*

  3. I understand what you are saying about saving on items and growing up without a lot of money. Not having a lot of money brings out the creativeness in you. I like your finds at Hobby Lobby. Your menu sound delish! The earrings are very pretty, I love those green beads.

  4. Moobie G - Hobby Lobby has the best clearance. Kinda sucks that y'all don't have the Vintaj stuff though!

    As far as the meal plan, it's taken me YEARS to really get it where I am now and I'm constantly tweeking the process. However, I just couldn't keep on making trips to the grocery store EVERY day. The meal plan is the best solution to that so far!

  5. Sweeeeeet!!!Same here Hope my accountant asked me what I used for shipping...I was like uh old envelopes and bookpages? bahahaha

  6. I picked up a bunch of clearance yesterday at AC Moore and they had 50 % off sale. and well I'm from a small town with no such discount sales. So went a bit crazy!! and bought alot so I tend to be frugal too.. Love your post!


  7. Debbie,
    We don't have an AC Moore anywhere near here and I've heard great things about them. As far as going crazy. . .you were just stocking up I'm sure! Isn't it amazing how much money we can save by spending ;)
    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. Well, I moved from a town that had a Hobby Lobby just down the road from me, to a town that has an AC Moore and Michaels. Both of them are a couple of miles apart, but they're 40 minutes away from me! I do miss HobLob, but at least AC Moore has a great selection of stuff. My hat's off to you as well on the meal planning.

  9. Frugality in this day and age of instant gratification and "spend all ya got" is really undervalued. Good for you for appreciating a bargain! And I'm right there with you, fighting over that Vintaj! (which my local AC Moore is discontinuing - devastating! And no HL local either :( )

  10. I don't have a Hobby Lobby near me, but I do have quite a few flea markets, an Antique Mall and a great bunch of jewelry making friends who pass along beads they haven't used! That's my secret to thrifty shopping!


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