I Heart Macro: Rush Job

Somehow I didn't take ANY macro shots this week, so I was running around like a fool this morning looking for subjects.

First is a some of the beads in the printer's drawer that I had everyone drooling over on Wednesday.

Secondly is the kitty that was closing watching my frantic picture snapping.

As frantic as it was. . .those were the only pictures that weren't blurry. figures.

Link up your macro shots this I Heart Macro Sunday at Studio Waterstone


  1. That kitty eye is reminding me of Halloween!!! Eeeeeeeeek lol have an awesome day Hope!

  2. great shots, I can just see you running around snapping here and there...love the kitty....

  3. Cat's eyes are so beautiful and interesting to look at. I love the colors of the first photo!

  4. Heee, I've done that frantic macro dance a time or ten! LOL Love the beady shot, and that silly kitty eye is the best! :)

  5. Hi Hope love the shot of your cat's eyeball, he or she has beautiful eyes.

  6. I love how the blue beads and the blue eye match!

  7. I laughed when I saw your Kitty eye! Actually it is such a gorgeous colour!

  8. Way cool - kitty has the most beautiful blue 'eye'! :)

  9. Awwwww, kitties rock. Beautiful blue stones AND eyes!

  10. ShonEjai- Oh yes, I do love the kitties eyes. The other cat has those yellow/golden eyes. . .
    As far as the colors in the first photo, I do love my blues!

    Shel- Thanks! Yes, her eyes are gorgeous. The picture doesn't do them justice.

    Thanks to both of you for stopping by!

  11. I love how kitty's eye looks similar to your large blue beads.

  12. Beautiful kitty and those beads - oh my! Lovely shots for such a rush job.

  13. Looks so exotic! lovely. ;)

  14. Even the kitty's eye is blue! Very cool shot!

  15. Love the post... great macros and sure complemented each other. Thanks. kareninkenai


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