I Heart Macro: Tiniest Crab

This is my first I Heart Macro in a while. I've had these pictures saved but not the time to post them.

Following the death of my FIL, Pat and I decided to head to the beach for a bit of soothing. While there, I spotted this odd bit washed up on the beach.

For a bit of scale purposes, I placed a bottle cap in the frame. Isn't that the teeny, tiniest crab you've ever seen!?

Join in the I Heart Macro fun at Studio Waterstone!


  1. Ha! I had to scour the photo to try to find that tiny little crab! Love it! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, I have never seen a crab so tiny! The piece that the crab is sitting on is very interesting too.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. What a sweet and adorable little crab! At first I thought the whole piece was the crab! Very cool pic.

  4. oh he's soooo tiny....what a neat find....at first, I will admit I thought you were posting a cookie...funny how one sees things :)

  5. Hope, that is a great photo, but what is it? To me it looks like half of a brain that washed up from Davey Jones' locker! LOL I had one of those tiny little crabs hitch a ride inside of my bathing suit bottoms once a long time ago when I was a teen, it was the first time I went to Ft. Walton Beach.

  6. I love that you used a Corona cap for size reference! Crab is adorable!

  7. Thats so teeny tiny, I can't even see it! Wow.

  8. Amazing! Great idea using the bottle cap

  9. Took me a while to find the little thing. Like Tracy, I thought the whole thing was the crab.

  10. Y'all, I'm so sorry I didn't zoom in a little better for you to identify the crab. I thought the arrow would direct you to it, but I didn't do a very good job of that.
    As far as using the bottle cap. I promise we were not drinking out of bottles on the beach, that was just what I had available at the bottom of my beach bag. We wanted to use a coin for scale, but we left all our money in the car. So. . .a beer bottle it was! ;)

  11. Smart little crab to blend right in to whatever that is he's walking on!
    Cool photo!

  12. Hope! I love the teeny tiny crab! Neat shot!

  13. So teensy! I never would have seen him, if you hadn't pointed him out. Its amazing that you even noticed him at all.

  14. Wow! That is super teeny tiny!

  15. Oh wow! I was wondering what that was. The bottle cap helps tremendously. Great shot!

    So sorry to hear about your FIL. I hope you and your hubby found rest and peace on your trip.


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