I'm Behind Again

My dear friend Kate contacted me yesterday morning about having lunch. We went back and forth via Facebook trying to decide where and when to eat. By the time we decided, it was time for me to head out to see her. We gorged ourselves (at least I did) on seafood and a few beers while chatting the afternoon away. It was pure loveliness. 
This sign in the ladies room cracked me up!
I returned home mid-afternoon with a swimming belly and head and simply wanted to take a nap. Instead I forced myself into the the craft room where I worked on my bead soup project and piddled around on a few other tasks.
Thankfully, I had made my menu while Kate and I were going back and forth, and I knew what was for dinner.
Unfortunately, that's about all I accomplished yesterday. As such, I'm hoping to play catch up today, starting with this post.

Let me quickly share with you some info about the shop.
A new item has been added
Lost and Found, Blue Junk Necklace

Another item has been placed on sale.
Buttons in Black Necklace
Since I DID go to the trouble of getting the meal plan made, I want to share it whether it's still Menu Plan Monday or not. If you're running behind like me, there are ton of other great menu ideas over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

B: Bagels and cream cheese w/bananas
L: Hope out, Pat leftovers
D:Ham steaks, cauliflower, yellow rice

B: Nutella on toast, fruit
L: Tuna noodle
D:Turkey filets, mac-n-cheese, green beans

B: Cereal
L: BBQ sandwiches
D: Crockpot curried chicken

B: Breakfast burritos
L: Bagel pizzas
D: Pasta with bacon and mushrooms, salad

B: Cereal
L: Jambalaya (from freezer)
D: Hope out, Pat on own

B: Hope out, Pat on own
L: Hope out, Pat on own
D: Tacos, corn

B: Muffins
L: Soup and grilled cheese
D: Hope out, Pat gig

My weeks are getting busier and busier leading up to the Mardi Gras ball in a few short weeks. And then, it'll  be back to usual. . . whatever that is.


  1. Love the Blue Junk Necklace! Enjoyed your blog... I used to live in Alabaster, AL... I miss the South!

  2. Marian - I'm SO GLAD you like the necklace. I've had quite a few admirers of that one.

    I bet this time of the year you REALLY miss the South. Just wait until August, you won't miss it so much ;)

  3. L! O! L! Is that in the Oyster House on the causeway? I have SEEN that same sign. This post really cracked me up!!!

  4. Jennifer - It TOTALLY is the OH!! I had to take pic. Kate thought I was nuts when I followed her into the bathroom with my camera out. ;)

  5. I knew where the sign was too because I saw it when we were home over Christmas. Love it!

  6. I knew where the sign was too because I saw it when I was home over Christmas. Love it!

  7. Jules - I love the Oyster House, but we never seem to make it there. I hadn't been there in over a year. Of course, now I've been there twice in the past month (we lunched there after decorating for the ball)


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