Going Through The Motions

I said on my Facebook Page on Friday (I think that's right) that I knew it was going to be a low craft weekend because of the busy-ness I had planned. Unfortunately, it ended up being a NO craft weekend. Booooo!!!

The entire weekend was focused on some parties in preparation for my society's Mardi Gras Ball (which is this upcoming weekend.) After prepping and partying all weekend (though the parties were tame), I'm EXHAUSTED. I feel like I'm just going through the motions this morning. For some reason, the components for this post were fairly easy to gather, now let's see how they come together. Please forgive me for the lack of cohesion and smooth transitions.

There's a new soldered necklace in the shop.
Unique Inspiration Necklace

And some earrings went on sale.
Purple Power Earrings - Now 25% OFF

Last week I said that the Alabama Accents team has been busy with Treasuries. Here are two more I'm featured in!!
True Love Stories Never Have Endings

what was I saying about TURQUOISE?

Since it is Monday, I've got my meal plan all ready for you. Please note that last week most of the plan did not get executed, so it just got slung over to this week. Exciting aye? Please, please check out the other, most likely more inventive Menu Plan Monday posts over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

B: Cereal
L: Ham sandwiches
D: Turkey filets, mac-n-cheese, green beans

B: Muffins
L: Tuna noodles
D: Crockpot Curried Chicken, rice

B: Bagels w/cream cheese
L: Soup and grilled cheese
D: Tacos, corn

B: Cereal
L: Leftovers
D: Hope at a Pot Luck, Pat on own

B: Eggs, bacon, toast
L: Bagel pizzas
D: Pat gig, Hope on own

B: Cereal
L: Lunch with room members
D: Mardi Gras BALL

B: Out, brunch?
L: Bean burritos
D: Chili, with rice

Finally, a few more Valentine crafts, cards, ideas, and more
I've got a few custom orders in the works and really should get back to them before I can start on anything new to show. It's going to be another busy-preparing-for-the-ball week, so here's hoping I can get my craft on! What does your week look like?


  1. OooOOO!! The crock-pot curried chicken looks good!! I've recently decided to learn to cook and have been using the heck out of my crock-pot - I'm going to have to try it!

  2. I'll have to let you know. I'm determined to try to make it tomorrow. Pat loves thai food and this is the first Thai-themed crockpot recipe I've seen. Here's hoping it's as good as it sounds!

  3. You've been BUSY!!! I don't think I've ever seen a Thai crock pot recipe - Let me know if it's good I love Thai too!

  4. I'll definitely be sharing about the Thai. Actually, I might not get to eat any, I've got to head to Mobile today and mostly made it so Pat will have something to eat tonight. I'll be letting everyone know if HE likes it though!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

Winding down the 100DayProject

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