Taking a Break from Blog Hopping for Meal Planning

I am methodically working my way through the other 209 participants' blogs in the Bead Soup Blog Party. I've still got about 100 blogs left to go, but soooooo many other tasks on my plate (in my soup bowl) that it's taking me a bit of time to work through each of them. How far have you gotten? If you are here to see what I made with my soup, you can just scroll down to the next post, or click HERE to be taken to my bead soup post.
One of the pieces I completed with my Bead Soup

I'm really loving this blog hop and have found quite a few more blogs to follow (as if I needed any more in my feedreader.) Even though my attention really should have been on the soup party, Pat and I had all kinds of plans for the weekend: dinner with friends, a wedding reception (for which we had to get hairs cut and a present bought), and the longing to and actuality of spend some time outdoors (on our bikes again.) We stayed as close to the water as we could almost all weekend without actually getting in it since the water's still a bit too chilly.
Wedding reception
Bike Riding view

Since I've got all kinds of tasks that I need to get done today (blog hopping, grocery shopping, jewelry making, description writing, etc.), let me share my weekly meal plan for Menu Plan Monday and be on my way. Be sure to check out all the other meal plans over at I'm an Organizing Junkie!

B: Cereal
L: Bagel pizzas
D: Ham and Broccoli casserole

B: Muffins
L: Tuna noodles
D: Roast Chicken, mashed potatoes, peas

B: Waffles
L: Soup and grilled cheese
D: Three cheese stuffed shells, salad

B: Bacon & cheese omelets
L: Turkey & cheese quesidillas
D:  Pat has gig, Hope on own

B: Breakfast parfait
L: Chicken salad sandwiches
D: MEXICAN - out

B: Biscuits, fruit, sausage
L: Leftovers
D: Beef and snow peas, rice

B:Breakfast burritos
L: Turkey sandwiches
D: Ham, rice mix, green beans

I can almost guarantee that you'll see many of these recipes repeated next week. This week will be full of Mardi Gras parades and merriment, so I may not got to making dinner. Wait and see!
That's it for today. Later gators.


  1. Hope, I have finished my hopping, only because I am leaving the country on Friday, so I sat GLUED for a day or two to get it done, my eyes feel like they are falling out of my head!But I loved every minute. You are such an organised lady re meals, my family will tell you I am of the slap dash variety!Sad but true.

  2. Jenni, thanks for stopping by! Great job on getting through all of those. I don't think I'll finish until tomorrow (wednesday).
    As far as meal plans. I've found that it takes me a lot less time to make a meal plan and do shopping all in one day than to try to figure out each meal as they come. This way, I have more time for playing in the craft room. ;)
    Have a safe trip!!

  3. Hope, that pendant above is DELICIOUS! Love the colors and design. Really admire that focal bead too. Totally awesome!!

  4. Brenda- You really went back a ways to find this post didn't you!? Ha! Yes, Patty did great when she found that pendant for me. I have definitely hung on to that necklace. Thanks so much!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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