A Little of This and a Dash of That

My e-mail inbox has been full of all kids of fun the last day or so; treasuries, conversations, custom orders, and so on.

However, since it is Thrifty Thursday let me start with that.
Last week while shopping at Michael's I followed my usual path: beads, wood, paint, as is, clearance, scrapbooking. While looking over the "As Is" bin, I found a broken thread spool organized marked significantly down from $15 to $3.75. I snatched it up, knowing I could work with the flaw.
Basically the only thing wrong was that one of the bars was unglued/undone on one side.

So, I ripped it off the broken bar

and hammered down the pointy staples.

Then, I screwed in some of the enclosed hooks into the top of the vertical pieces before hammering some nails into the wall and and hanging the organizer.

What did I do with it once it was hung? Well, added wire of course.

Granted this is not all of my wire and it's not very well organized, but I've been too busy to finish. In any case, it's great having my wire so easily accessible.

The Alabama Accents Etsy Team (of which I am a member) has been VERY active the last few days in making treasuries. As such, let me share two of the treasuries I've been included in.
Spring is in the Air
Beat the Winter Blues

In addition, there are a new pair of earrings in the shop.
Drops of Sunshine Earrings

Now, for some more Valentine ideas.
That's all for now. I've got more to do than I really have time for, so it's back to work for me!


    1. Go Alabama !!! I loves me some good bargain bins!!! Sweet reuse there my friend : )

    2. Mission accomplished! Love how you showed your project from start to finish...complete with all of your wire! It is so rare that I ever seem to finish projects like these. You motivate me!
      I LOVE the lollipop flower Valentine's idea! Oh I wish I could do that but the kids each have over 20 in their classes.... I'd be making flowers clear out til next Valentine's Day!

    3. I LOVE finding things marked down like that! That turned out really well!

    4. Cindy - Thanks I like to share little projects like this. It might inspire someone else to find an outside the box that could then inspire me too!
      I wish I had kids just so I could make them. Ah well. Maybe I'll make a few for the nieces.

      Jennifer - I LOVE the sales. When something SO USEFUL is marked down SO MUCH, I can't pass it up. It's a weakness.


    Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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