Techie Tuesday - I'm Such a Geek

Wow! I've been so much sucking at blog posts lately!!
I've got a few things I want to share for "Techie Tuesday"Basically, they just show you how much of a geek I can be. Just in case you still have doubts, even after Friday's post with the 'Yay!' thing.
  • Several of these 10 cult classic mid 80's fantasy movies are on my shortlist of favorite movies. Seriously, 'cult classic' 'mid 80's' 'fantasy movies' - AWESOME!
  • I mentioned Battlestar Gallactica's season premiere last week, but failed to offer up this Battlestar top ten list from the David Letterman Show. If that doesn't peak your interest, I don't know what will.
  • I absolutely LOVE the craftster community, especially when members share their geek love also. Since I can't knit or really crochet, these Fellowship of the Ring amigurumi are simply mystical to me. I love when craftiness and geekiness come together.
Alright, the next two do not illustrate the geek me, but I do want to share them. So there!
I needs to dash and actually finish some stuffs. Oh happy day.

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