Wild Wild Web Wednesday (and a few personal notes)

Yay! It's "Wild Wild Web Wednesday"!!!Let's get to it!
  • Try Questionaut! It's a cool, beautiful little question game. Really, the graphics are gorgeous and the questions are fairly easy (at least the part I was able to try.)
  • If you just don't have the time to read like you used to, here's a collection of stories that are only one sentence long. REALLY! It's actually a writing exercise and anyone can submit their story, as long as it's only ONE sentence.
  • Check out this photoshop contest where entrants had to place modern products in vintage ads. The results are fun to view and quite ingenious.
  • How would you like your own personal microwave to take everywhere you go? Craving hot pockets? No problem. Jonesing for some easy mac? It's in the bag.
  • Jonesing for some Meth? Stop first, and check out these faces of meth. They're before and after mug shots of the toll meth takes on its users. It's definitely enough to make you stay away from the stuff. Ugh!!!
A few personal notes:
1. My crafty obsession has switched (again). On Monday night, I was rolling out felt balls until dinner was ready. Last night, I started dyeing items. I'll get into exactly WHAT and HOW in a later post (when I have pictures.)
2. LOML* is getting a promotion already!! He'll have to go out of town again in a few weeks for some training and general information gathering. I'm so proud of him!!

That's all for now!

*LOML=Love of My Life


  1. Congratulations on the promotion, LOHL*!

    *LOHL=Love of Hope's Life.

  2. aww - thank you (he says "thanks" too)


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