Made Me Smile Monday

Ahhhh, another Monday, another day to contemplate whether or not you love your job enough.
Even so, it is "Made Me Smile Monday"Here's my attempt to make you smile on most people's least favorite day of the week.
  • This speaks for itself And apparently so do elk
  • What were they thinking?
  • "The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Unknown
  • I had no idea that the questions asked of park rangers were so, uh, funny. (ex: at Carlsbad Caverns - "How much of this cave is underground?" AND at the Grand Canyon - "Is the mule train air conditioned?") Check it out.
  • Can't you just hear the giggling in this picture? You have to giggle a little yourself. Go ahead, it's okay, I did.
I hope you find plenty of other stuff that made you smile today and the rest of the week!!

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