LOML* gets back from DC tonight AND it's "Wild Wild Web Wednesday"

- Remember the fold-ins in MAD Magazine? Whether you do or not, the NY Times online offers this interactive Fold In Feature of some of Al Jaffee's fold-ins from the 1960's-present that you should enjoy. It's really neat, really.
- Talk about interactive, here's a toy piano you can actually play online!
- For cute, twisted, and quick entertainment, how about a 30 second texas chainsaw massacre starring animated bunnies? Now that's what I call entertainment!!
- Want to get back all those junk mail people who clog your mailbox and fill your trash can (not to mention landfills)? Mail them a brick at no cost to you. Heeheehee!!
- Lastly, for those extreme nerds and/or geeks. Check out this video of Leonard Nimoy (yes, Dr. Spock) singing The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins!!! AWESOME! This is good stuff! What a gem of geeky goodness.
I love the junk mail revenge! We have to try that out.