Feel Good Friday - Youth

It's totally, absolutely, finally FRIDAY
and a "Feed Good Friday" it is!!I have another theme post. Today is all about recapturing youth.
It includes quite a few videos, so I hope you have the time to enjoy them.
  • If you are looking to feel a little younger, check out how the Wii can help you stay young.
  • Ever since I was a kid, I've wanted a treehouse. Nowadays, there are plenty of adults with treehouses for all occasions. I think that's great! Now, if I could just convince LOML* to build mine - I already have a great tree for one.
  • These show intros really take me back to my childhood
  • I love this site where people are posting themselves in then and now pictures in the same poses. Too funny.
  • Check out what happens when an Improv Anywhere group takes over a little league game. Those kids will remember that game for the rest of their lives. What a great childhood memory.
  • Lastly, we all know kids say the darnedest things, but let me share with you what one kids said yesterday while we were at the beach. We got a real kick out of it.
    • - Kid (holding large rock): Look at this rock

      Mom: Put that down, you’re going to get your hand dirty

      - Kid drops big rock and smells hand

      Kid: It just smells like the hand that is mine

      Adults giggle

      Kid: I always have one hand that smells like that

I hope you all have a FANTASTIC weekend. Stay young!!

*LOML=Love of My Life


  1. Awesome, Awesome video of the little league improv! It even brought tears to my eyes. :D

  2. Yeah, I got teary eyed too with that one.


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