Art Journal Videos in January

 I'm not sure why I don't share my art journaling endeavors in more in-depth here other than it would take more time. I guess I could find the time. I put the videos up on YouTube, and that takes plenty of time. I ought to share them more in-depth here too. Maybe. We'll see. For now, here are the art journal videos I shared over January.

Actually, this first one was shared on New Year's Eve, I don't know how I missed it in my last Art Journal post. 

Quick Art Journal Page

Making an Art Journal Page Cohesive

Art Journal with Texture and Flowers

I'm thinking I may share this last one in more depth later, but we'll see. It was part of a challenge from a couple of other artists. I was able to pick up the challenge pack and create this little junk journal. I'm tickled with it.
Inspiration Prompt Junk Journal: You, Me, Same 3

And, that was it for January. Here's hoping you're filling your days with creativity too.

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