Peek at My Weeks (Feb 14-27)

Once again, I'm catching up on my weekly peek. I had the time last week to write this post, but not the motivation. And, my mood was not conducive for it at all. I'm sure you've had days like that too. So, I gave myself a break and decided I would wait. Now, I've got loads to share with you. 

We kept Valentine's Day very low-key. I mostly worked in the craft room and was able to let an idea come to fruition. I'm loving that little box and very likely make some more. 

I also ran out to the store for a bit of a treat.

Since Mardi Gras was that Tuesday, I felt like we NEEDED at least one King Cake. I went with one cream cheese and one raspberry for plenty of options. 

Monday was a little crazy as the plumbers were at the house most of the afternoon struggling to fix our drain issue. I stayed out of their way and in the craft room.

I focused on working on my piece for the Honey Do List and stressed about friends and family trapped in the snow in Texas.

Tuesday was Mardi Gras. And, it was unlike any I've ever celebrated. It was bitterly cold. My sinuses were aching. I grocery shopped. But, there was King Cake.

I'm not even sure what happened on Wednesday. It was a tad bit warmer, but overcast all day. I'm sure that influenced my mood.
But, I pushed forward and created.

Again on Thursday, I suffered through sinus issues and that had me moving slow. But, in addition to working on some jewelry, I was able to channel some of my creative focus into an art journal page.

 Apparently, on Friday, I found all my lost energy from the week because I was all over the place. 
I probably got a little pumped because my "valentine gift" from Pat came in. He bought me a super-fancy microphone for recording voiceovers for my videos. I really thought I could just get something small that would plug into a USB port, but should have known better since he's an audio expert. oops!

Though there was that happy in the day, while I worked away on loads of jewelry, I somehow broke my nice chain-nose pliers. Eek!! I've got an e-mail into the company though to see if there's anything I can do to fix them. But at least, I got some jewelry made, and the break could have been worse. 

Dinner was photo-worthy.

On Saturday, I realized how tight I was up to a couple of challenge deadlines. So, I started working away on those and experimented with a few techniques and supplies.

In the midst of that, I also set out a bucket of materials for a rust dye.

On Sunday, I laid out everything to dry while finishing up my contribution for the You, Me, Same 3 video reveal. 

With my page completed for the challenge, I spent almost all of Monday getting my video ready for the reveal. Artemis even joined me in the craft room.

Tuesday started off with a bit of excitement when a neighbor's dog followed Pat home from his morning walk and we had to call them to find out where she belonged. After I did the grocery shopping, I had to run back out for a single item from the craft store. Of course, I discovered an amazing load of clearance items that had to come home with me. 

Fortunately, I also picked up the mold-making kit I needed.

It had been a few weeks since I had checked in with my mom, so after busting out a quick jewelry task, I headed out to visit with her in the afternoon. My niece's cat didn't want me to leave and climbed up on my shoulder as I was about to walk out the door after my visit. 

On Thursday, I made up for my afternoon away from the house and completed a few tasks I had been putting off. I organized some of my tin scraps as I prepped to work on earring pairs. 

Once the midday sun had passed, I was out on the porch to get product pictures taken.

I was back porch again Friday morning to welcome in the day. The fog kept my attention focused close in and had me looking for beauty not far from where I sat.

That really fueled my day as I hopped from one activity to another, even working on making Grungy Opals based on the tutorial from Fanciful Devices

In the evening, Pat and I met a friend for a beer outside the Brewery in Fairhope. On our way there, I couldn't help but snap a few shots of this amazing sunset from the truck. 

Saturday was a big video day for me as I had two reveals: The Red Riding Hood Hop and You, Me, Same 3. I spent much of the day watching the other videos and responding to comments. When I hopped outside to snap a few shots of one of the pieces, I was distracted for a moment by the dew in the weeds.

When I did get a break from videos, I was happy to discover that some of our mini daffodils have begun blooming. They feel like a promise of the spring to come. 

Whew! That was basically my last two weeks in pictures.
Now, here's some inspiration for your week ahead. 
Geez, that was a long list! Hopefully, there's something in there that will inspire you and keep you going this week I hope you go out there and make it a good one!


  1. I saw pics of those little boxes earlier and I adore them! Celebrations won't be as they used to for a while, let's hope not for long! Some early spring flowers opened here. too, during the last two weeks of unusually warm weather and we hope they survive with temperatures going down :)

  2. I love your grungy opals and your journal page.

    1. Thank you, Ann! Both the opals and the page were a joy to make. I think including jewelry in my 100 day project was a great idea to keep me making and exploring techniques and tutorials (like the opals). Here's hoping you find some creativity in your day too!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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