February Challenges and Inspirations

I love having a bit of inspiration to keep me motivated and making. Below you'll find a list of challenges and other inspirations for this month that will hopefully inspire you too!

  • First up, The 100 Day Project has begun! Are you participating too?
  • Halcraft Collection has shared their Pretty Palette Inspiration for this month. It's full of mixed metallics. 
  • Sarajo and Eric at SJ Designs Jewelry have unveiled this month's photo inspiration for the Honey Do List. It's Valentine's Day appropriate, and the reveal is set for February 22nd. 
  • The theme for the Art Elements Challenge is also seasonally appropriate with Snowflake as the inspiration. You are free to work in any medium for this challenge and your work can be added any time during the month in the designated snowflake album in the Art Elements Community on Facebook. 
And, that's it for the ones I know of this month. Let me know if you're aware of any challenges or inspiration that I may have missed. I'll add it to the list!


  1. I got bored of the repetitive inspirations year after year in AE that I stopped participating. I wish there were more group challenges with new themes. Sarajo's prompt is cool though, I immediately thought of Emiko Oye's lego jewellery.

    1. Divya, I hate that you feel the AE themes are repetitive. I always find some new way to be inspired by them - especially after they opened it up to all mediums. But, I've had a tough time participating lately. I know that this snowflake theme is hard for me, but we'll see. I've never seen Emiko Oye's Lego jewelry, and now I MUST! It sounds like something I would love. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Oooh, that's several cool challenges and such. I have a hard time keeping up with everything and teleworking. I will, however, check out the Halcraft palette challenge. That might be doable. lol. Thanks for the links! Sparkle on!

    1. Monica, Honestly, there used to be so many more! But, I'm so glad that you found one that spoke to you! Enjoy the inspiration. :)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

Winding down the 100DayProject

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