Peek at My Week (Jan 31-Feb 6)

Let me go ahead and admit that the majority of this post is just pictures of my desk and what I've been working on for #The100DayProject. 

This was Day 1. I kept it simple with some tin pieces I had already prepped for earrings. 

As I mentioned before, my project is #100DaysofMakingJewelry, and I'm not pushing myself to get anything DONE each day, I just want to work on making each day. 

On Monday, I was all about planning and executing. I was focused on getting things done. Above are the fun beads I used to work on my project and make a cute pair of earrings.

Most of Tuesday was spent working on stocking my Bead Box. Those are just some of the treasures I was considering for it. 

The week wouldn't be complete without a new picture of Artemis. Here, she was making herself comfortable in my laundry basket just as I needed it. 

I also altered some key charms with Vintaj Patinas for the Bead Box. I counted that as my project for the day.

I needed to be at my mom's most of Wednesday to take my niece to the dentist, but before I left the house, I stacked a few pretty beads together on a headpin for some earrings.

While taking the recycling to the boxes (I have to drive into town since there's no pickup in our area), I ran into the library to check out their free shelves really quick for a bit of a Thrifty Thursday.

I had to stop to admire this little tree of blooms in my front yard. It took me a bit of asking around online, but I found out that it's a Taiwan Cherry Tree. 

For that day's project, I started a necklace.

Just as we were heading to bed, our older cat, Rosalina, began sneezing blood. It was awful. It was everywhere. I didn't know what to do. We cleaned up what we could and isolated her in our bathroom to contain the mess until I could get her to the vet in the morning. Neither of us slept well because of the worry, and the bathroom was quite the scene. But, I cleaned it up and got her to the vet for treatment. Later in the day, I was finally able to focus on making.

I turned to some fun tin, but the project just didn't work out. 

In the evening, I had a video call with my Bead Soup Swap partner (Robin Reed) to open our packages to one another. Here's a peek at what she sent me.

I'm planning on getting some pictures in the next day or two to give you a better look at her amazing generosity along with what I sent to her.

We were able to release Rosalina from her confinement on Saturday morning as I didn't see any additional blood in the bathroom. She was relieved for the release and settled into one of her favorite spots in front of my dresser. 

She slept most of the day (not surprising since she hollered and rattled the doorknob all night long.)

I played around with some scraps of tin (including the pink ones that didn't work out the day before) and mother-of-pearl buttons before I needed to leave the house.

I spent the rest of the day at my mom's house. We enjoyed some King Cake. Though Mardi Gras is "canceled" this year, we can still enjoy some of the joy of it.

That was my week for the most part. 

Now, here's some inspiration for you.

I'm hoping the week ahead is better than this past one, but I'll take it as it comes either way. Here's hoping your week is full of smiles!


  1. I can't wait to see what you make with your bead soup! I sure hope that your kitty is better. I always feel so helpless when one of our kitties is ill.....and a trip to the vet is never inexpensive. 😿

    1. Mary, The options in that bead soup are so endless! I've already got a few ideas I want to try out. The reveal in April seems so far away but I'm sure it will be here before I know it. They kitty is so much better. She's acting more like herself than she has in weeks! Yes, those vet bills are going to kill us. And, I'm heading there again today with the kitten since her vaccines have to be spaced out now. Blarg! Thank you for the well-wishes!

  2. So happy to see that the Bead Soup Swap has been resurrected. I always enjoyed the bid reveal day. You have been gifted with some marvelous goodies to create with this year.

    1. Lynda, Isn't it exciting!? Yes, I can't wait for the reveal either. First, I have to make some decisions and get to work. I'm so glad I was paired with Robin! Thanks for taking a peek!

  3. I'm relieved that your senior cat is feeling better! Hoping it was a temporary thing. Love your choices for the bead box :)

  4. I hope Rosalina is still doing better. It's so scary when our furbabies have issues like that. Sparkle on!

    1. Monica, Thanks so much for your well-wishes. Rosalina is better than she has been in months. I hope it's not just the steroids and that the ill has been knocked out of her. Fingers crossed.


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Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...