Monday Morning Madness

This sweet angel was called all sorts of (not so ladylike) names this morning as she insisted that it was TIME FOR MAMA TO GET UP!!


Since it's Monday, let's start with the usual routine of the menu. . .

Breakfasts: PB/Nutella toast, cereal/grits, waffles, buttermilk blueberry breakfast cake*, eggs w/bacon and toast, hashbrown baskets*

Lunches: ham quesidillas, chicken salad, homemade hot pockets*, bean burritoes, ham sandwiches, soup and grilled cheese, leftovers

Grilled chicken w/grilled corn on the cob and baked beans
Tacos w/ rice
Potato soup w/salad
Chicken Alfredo w/broccoli
Pot Roast w/potatoes, carrots, rice, & black eyed peas

*If you are observant, you'll notice that the blueberry cake, hashbrown baskets, and hot pockets are repeats from last week. I never got to make the cake or pockets, but I did make the baskets. . .
And, they were SO GOOD that they're on the menu again this week! (Please note that I made them with scrambled eggs.)


While I've got you checking out links, here's a few GIVEAWAYS!

New necklace
Moonlit Shadows Necklace

Onward with my day, even though Asia's got me feeling like this


  1. Ahh what a cutie, but I can understand the anoyance I have a kitty that lets me know it's time to get up also. The menu sound great and those hashbrown baskets look yummy nummy! Do they have ham in them?

  2. Therese,
    Kitties can be such nuisances! Why do we love them so?
    The baskets I made had bacon in them, but you can put whatever you want in them. . .ham, bacon, sausage, onion, spinach, spices, mushrooms, etc. It's definitely a make-it-your own kind of recipe. They were quite good.


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