Not-Exactly "Bead" Table Wednesday

What WAS on my desk this morning were my completed Bead Soup pieces. . .but I can't show you those YET!!
So, I cleaned off the ole craft desk and set out a  new task.
After the kind words and encouragement from may of you last week about my text donuts, I decided to get to work on them today.

I even decided to try some maps too.

Again, I'm really enjoying the process
So that's what's on my Bead Table This Wednesday.
Check out the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group for more!
Bead Table Wednesday

☼☼ As far as the 'Chopped' Mystery Basket (Jewelry Edition) I do think I will attempt it. First, I have to get my thoughts straight about it (how I choose who gets to participate, how many get to play, what I'll call it, time limits, rules, etc.) THEN, I'll be giving y'all a chance to participate. OH. . .and THANKS for the feedback on that idea as well! It was much appreciated!

☼☼ GIVEAWAY---- Laurel Moon Jewelry is giving away this fabulous stash of Earthenwood beads and components.

☼☼ Etsy Shop
Bumble Queen Earrings

On Sale
Sweet Simplicity Earrings

Now to get back to those donuts. . .then maybe even break out the BEADS!!


  1. the maps are gonna be even cooler then the text donuts!!!!!

  2. I think the map donuts will be cool also- Christine is right! Hope you had a productive day!

  3. Great Idea with the maps! Looks cool :)

  4. can't wait to see them finished! what a great idea!

  5. The giveaway beads are very beautiful.

    Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Software


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