I Know I've Forgotten to Do Something

I've spent most of this week trying to get as much done as possible for two projects. The first is the decorations for a murder mystery dinner theater thing I'm on the committee for and the other is the Bead Soup Blog Party. I've gotten done what I can.

Today I play catch up. . .
  • Finally getting to the e-mails I barely glanced at then saved
  • Actually participating in twitter, facebook, and G+
  • Perusing some of the beautiful and fun things on Tumblr and Pintrest
  • Reading the blog posts I've been missing
  • Checking my stats
  • Posting something in the shop
  • Writing this blog post
  • Cleaning the craftroom after the whirlwind I created in gathering, prepping, and packaging for the Bead Soup Blog Party
  • Possibly creating something
  • Taking photos of the items that have been made
  • And so much more that I've neglected.

Let me start with the picture of my craft desk that I took on Wednesday for Bead Table Wednesday. . . but couldn't get around to posting.
It was my mess of just some of the bits I pulled out while working on my package for my Bead Soup Partner.

Speaking of which, let me tell you that my partner is Andrea Morici of Beadaholique. She also has an Etsy shop, Noon Blue Apples. I was a little intimidated by being paired up with Andrea since I can tell from her BTW posts that she often works with seed beads. AND. . .she works for a jewelry supply company. However, she assured me that I could send her whatever I wanted and the wonderful Lori Anderson of Pretty Things (and the creator of the Bead Soup Blog Party) also re-iterated in one of her many e-mails that this IS supposed to be a bit of a challenge to work with materials we don't always use. So, here's a teaser of what I sent to Andrea yesterday.
Bwhahahaha. . ..

Lastly, I can knock listing a new item off that to do list as I put this beauty up for sale. . .it's a favorite of mine!
Brighten the Nest Necklace

I know there were other things I wanted to say in this post. . .but they've completely flown out of my head. Ah well, I'm sure they'll come to me later! (and knowing me I won't write them down and will forget them once again.) HA! At least it's Friday!


  1. Wow you go Girl! I like the teaser it looks like Andrea is going to have some fun. I love the owl necklace.

  2. Therese,
    It only LOOKS like a lot, but in reality it's just a bunch of small tasks that I've completely neglected. Now, I'm focused on getting through my blog reading. . .perhaps at some point I'll make it through all of those. HA!
    I really do hope Andrea enjoys what I'm sending. . .guess we'll see.

  3. Thanks for introducing your partner! I was wondering who you were paired up with- looking forward to seeing what you two create!

  4. Erin,
    I'm really excited about having Andrea as a partner. I actually JUST got her package in the mail and CANNOT wait to tear it open, but I want to document the whole process in pictures and I've got to finish eating first. Stay tuned for the soup! :D

  5. OH, I'M SO EXCITED!! Thank you so much, Hope!

  6. Andrea,
    I'm so very glad you're excited. But, don't thank me yet. . .wait until you get the baubles I sent to make that decision! ;)

  7. Thanks for introducing your partner. I am excited...and like you a touch nervous about my choices..but as Lori says it's about working with/ in colors styles etc we don't normally chose for ourselves. It wouldn't be any fun if we gave our partners what they are comfortable with....!love your owl necklace..very cute.

  8. That looks like something I would like!


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