A Quick Bead Table Wednesday

I just had a great lunch date that spent catching up with an old friend who just moved back to the area. Don't you just love when that happens?

Now I'm short on time before I have to run out again for an evening with the nieces. 
So, let me just get to the goodies.

It's Bead Table Wednesday once again. I awoke this morning with another design idea, so this is what's on my craft desk currently.
Glass and Jasper beads and waxed linen cord
Washers and paper and Mod Podge
Join in the fun at the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group.
Bead Table Wednesday

As well, several of you inquired what was made with the goodies I 'teased' you with yesterday
Here are the results of my labor.
Earrings made with alcohol ink-colored buttons and beads from SueBeads (I'm hoping to work up a tutorial on the buttons SOON)
A simple necklace with a Vintaj filigree piece and a Tim Holz fragment tag backed with paper from a French book.

So that's it. . .what's on your table today?


  1. oohhh very nice indeed and worth the wait :)
    love what you've done...

  2. So very awesome. PS, I love your (new?) blog header!

  3. You are crazy busy - I bet your enjoying your trumpet right now...lol!!!

  4. Great work, Vintaj and Tim Holz are two of my favorites.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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