Vacation Teaser and a Meal Plan

I know I've promised you pictures from the vacation, but right now that's a bigger task than I need to undertake today. As per me, I used three different cameras to capture shots over the last week and am working on getting them all loaded and edited before I can share. So, please hang in there and I'll get them posted as soon as possible. For now, here's a teaser from one of the most magical places ever.
Hogwarts Castle at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

I swear that catching up from vacation takes twice as long as the vacation itself. Even though we came home a bit early, I didn't allow myself to complete any usual household tasks (except cooking and the dishes.) As such I still have to unpack, wash clothes, put away miscellaneous items, upload and edit all those photos, catch up on my blog reading, and all the other normal chores. I wish I could just wave my wand (of course I scored one at Ollivander's) and have it be done. Instead, I'm playing catch up.

This morning, I knew my main chore was to get a menu plan made and grocery shopping done since we had minimal food in the house. I'd REALLY like to make it into the craft room at some point, but considering that it's almost 3pm, that goal may not be achievable today. Sigh! Of course, once I get this post done, I may forge ahead and really work to get as many chores done as I can so that I can spend lots of time in there tomorrow. Here's hoping!

For now, let me go ahead and show off my menu plan for the week since it is Meal Plan Monday. I encourage you to visit the other blogs linking up at I'm an Organizing Junkie today.

Breakfasts: Cereal, breakfast burritos, muffins, bacon and cheese muffins, waffles, omelets

Lunches: Bean burritos, ham sandwiches, tuna noodles, calzones, soup/grilled cheese, leftovers, ham/cheese quesidillas 

Dinners: Grilled Chicken with Lemon Basil Pasta, Pork loin (w/ yellow rice & broccoli), Taco Soup, Grilled Pork chops (w/gilled veggies, field peas, & rice), Crockpot chicken (w/potatoes and green beans)

I was also able to check "List new item in shop" off my to do list today as this quirky bracelet was added.
Mechanical Breeze Bracelet

Now let's see what else I can accomplish in what's left of the day!!


  1. Glad to hear you had a good time on your vacation and was able to get back into the swing of normal day to day activities, that can be hard after coming home from a vacation. Love the colors in the bracelet and the design.

  2. Therese,
    Oh I'm not quite back to the normal activities yet. But hope to be there soon.
    So glad you like the bracelet, it means a lot.


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