Embroidery, Vacation, and a Meal Plan (kinda)

With a nice rain storm and the resulting power outage yesterday, I took the opportunity to do something creative that didn't involve jewelry or beads.

I didn't say a thing about buttons!

Yes, I broke out the embroidery thread, sat by the window, and went to town!!
I know I'm no wiz with the embroidery hoop, but I do find it meditative and therapeutic.

Perhaps I'll have more chances this week to finish this piece since our forecast looks like this.

I need to go ahead and mention before I forget that Pat and I will be taking some vacation time together starting this weekend. Of course, in true fashion, we still haven't nailed down what we want to do with that time. I'm going to go ahead and put the shop in vacation mode on Friday morning (even though we may end up staying at home), so if you want anything from there soon, you better go ahead and grab it. You know, like this new necklace.
Around the Globe Necklace

In related news, I'm not sure what my blogging forecast looks like during the vacation time. That all depends on what we decide to do I suppose.

With the upcoming vacation and a few other plans in the works, my menu for this Meal Plan Monday is minimal. I'm an Organizing Junkie has lots of complete and thorough menus over on her site. Here's a simple run-down of the meals I do have planned for us this week.

Breakfasts: cereal, bagels with peanut butter, breakfast burritos
Lunches: bean burritos, hot dogs, bagel pizzas, ham sandwiches
Dinners: ranch style chicken, pork chops with creamy mushrooms and dill, leftovers

I apologize for the actual lack of planning, but it seems as though something keeps springing up. Of course!

Right now, there's one of those storms-a-brewing. So, I better get off this machine before it's all out paparazzi flashing out there!


  1. LOVE the new necklace! It's so beautiful. Heheh, that color palette reminds me of a power outage, funny. The embroidery looks fantastic. You are so multi-talented! The meal plan sounds delicious, too---especially those pork chops with creamy mushrooms and dill. Makes me hungry just reading it.

  2. Jacinta- I'm soooo glad you like the new necklace. If it does sell, it will be difficult to part with. I've worn it several times since I made it and it's become one of my favorites.

    Multi-talented huh? I smirk as I know I'm really just a jack of all crafts and a master of none.

    Those pork chops are TO DIE FOR!! They are so very yummy!! You must try them!
    Thanks for the feedback as always! It is appreciated.

  3. Have fun on your vacation Hope! Your embroidery is adorable- I love the buttons! I agree-embroidery is very therapeutic

  4. Erin-
    Thanks! I just wish we (read: HE) would make a decision about what we're going to do. I can't stand the wavering. I can't wait for it to start either, but have got a ton to do before then.
    Thanks for the complements on the embroidery, it's one of those crafts I like just for me. for now.

  5. Hi, love what you did while the power was out and I love the necklace I can see why it would be a favorite. Tell me is it as hot in North Alabama as it is here in Central Alabama? Please send some of that rain down my way LOL! Have a great time on your vacation or staycation whichever it may be.

  6. Oops Hope, I'm sorry for some reason I was thinking Fairhope was in North Alabama, sorry, I was geting Fairhope confused with Florence, but you can still send some rain up my way.

  7. Therese-
    Thanks so much! And no biggie about the confusion, there are so many little towns throughout Alabama, I'd be surprised if anyone knew them all!

    Here's hoping we ALL get some rain. We had that one storm and it's only threatened since. The anticipation KILLS me!!

  8. I love what you've started with your embroidery, it's fun sometimes to work with something different.

  9. Charlene-
    Thanks! And, yes. Doing something different sometimes helps open my mind for other creative options and to see everything in a different light. It's freeing!


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