Not Too Many Beads on this BTW

Yesterday I planned to catch up on the housework and other personal tasks that were ignored as I worked on my muffin tin jewelry, but what really happened was. . .well. . .not much. 

Between having the nieces over the weekend and the challenge, I didn't really have much of a weekend. So yesterday, I rested.

And today, well, today I'm trying to catch up.

Therefore, on my bead table is a long and growing To Do list

And some of the items to do (finished jewelry pieces that need pictures, descriptions, and to be listed)

Considering it's almost 4pm, I have a feeling most of this work will bleed into my schedule tomorrow as well. At least I have lots of completed jewelry now!! 

Bead Table Wednesday

While I'm here, I've been meaning to show off the beautiful Treasury Shannon from For My Sweet Daughter designed. In it she included a bunch of fantastic jewelry, bead, and component artists' work. . and somehow I ended up in that mix. I'm so very honored. (Please click on the link to see the whole treasury.)
Midnight Blue Sky
Thank you so much Shannon!!

Finally, this beautiful bracelet was placed on sale today.
Gentle Spring Bracelet

Now to check "Blog" off that list!


  1. That bracelet is yummy!!! You know me and flowers - and I couldn't even look at a bead or the destruction they wrought today!

  2. Thanks Patty!
    That was my complete mindset yesterday. . .sigh. I need a week off after that muffin challenge I think! ;)

  3. The bracelet is gorgeous!

    And I actually packed up almost my entire bead table today -- it was so out of control it just had to be done. Clean slate!

  4. That is a very pretty bracelet Hope. I like the crystals with the little blue and pink flowers it will catch the light beautifully.

  5. Lori, the table needs to be added to my to do list also.

    Therese, thanks! Yeah. I really like that bracelet too...

  6. I have so many things on my "to do list". Glad to know I'm not the only one! Does ALL of it ever get done?! I have accomplished three things off my list today...yea! I think I need to try the tin muffin challenge to up my productivity. Thanks for visiting and following my blog! I'm trying to post several times a week so I hope you'll visit often.

  7. Valerie, I think of to do lists as vicious cycles. Just as soon as one item gets knocked off, there's another one to take its place. Sigh.
    As far as visiting your blog again. . .count on it! :D

  8. Oh, oh oh... That bracelet is so beautiful... I think I'm in love. <3 <3 <3 VERY flattering picture of it, too. Hope you get more done!

  9. Jacinta,
    Thanks! I like it too and am surprised it's sat in my shop long enough to go on sale. . .
    We'll see. I've got so much to do and have a convention out of town next week that will pull me away from the bead table and craft room for about a week. Sigh.


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