Exploring Creativity this Bead Table Wednesday

I've definitely been all over the place in my creative pursuits lately.
This is quite obvious on my bead table where you can find evidence of collage and soldering.

As well, I tried out new clasp and stringing techniques by using some suede cord, making a loop, and tying on a button for the clasp. It works great and looks pretty with the other natural shell elements to this necklace.

Lastly, I decided to make an uber-girlie piece with a polymer clay cupcake pendant I made a few months back. So, out came the pink and purple seed beads.

That's as far as I've gotten today because I'm hoping to get some shopping done before I head to Mobile to help with the nieces. I'm sure there's a ton more creativity happening on other Bead Tables this Wednesday!
Bead Table Wednesday

In other news, I spent some time yesterday taking pictures and editing photos, but haven't quite gotten to writing up the descriptions. However, I wanted to make sure I put something 'new' in the shop. Sooooo, I re-listed an item that I loved which never sold. And, I even brought the price down some too.
Happy Wish Bracelet

In addition, this went on sale.
25% Off - Naughty or Nice Necklace

With it being the first of the month, I decided to change up the blog header. (You might even recognize that bracelet as my previous blog header picture.) With the onslaught of summer, I went with a beachy picture. I'd love to know how you like it!


  1. Now I'm really craving the beach! Love the header ;) And all those soldered pendants...I haven't mastered soldering yet, I should work on it more, I suppose. Love your bead table and can't wait to see the finished creations!

  2. I love your new blog header - it's very relaxing... makes me want to go to the beach! :)

  3. Christine- Thanks! I had a lot of fun creating that one.

    Bibi- That's exactly what I was going for, something a little more calm and summer-like. I'm glad it did what I needed it to!

  4. Holly- (GAH, somehow I got my comments all out of order. . .figures!)
    I'm so glad to know you like the header (YAY!!)
    I LOVE to solder. Pat taught me a few years back and I absolutely love to melt the metal. Definitely give it a chance, it's not as hard as it seems.

  5. These are fantastic! I really want to learn soldering; your pieces look so fabulous, it makes me want to learn even moreso. :D Can't wait to see some of these finished. They are going to look so lovely. :)

  6. Jacinta- I'm so glad you like them. Right now I'm debating over whether to list the pendants by themselves or as a completed necklace/bracelet. I can't decide. I did list some pendants before to no avail, but these are a bit more simple. So they might be an option. Thinking, thinking. ..


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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