Challenging Myself (BTW)

I'm trying to break out of my little shell of protection and anonymity little by little.
Blog Hops and Bead Table Wednesday have worked for me so far, but I still crave more.
This month, I'm working up to the Art Bead Scene Monthly Challenge.

As such, my craft desk this week is covered with the bits and pieces I'm sorting through and making to finally enter the challenge.

When I saw the June's inspiration piece, the colors just screamed at me "NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO TRY." So, I'm trying. I'll share the completed piece with you when I get that far. For now, here's the screaming inspiration.
ABS June Challenge

Go to the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group for more eye candy.
Bead Table Wednesday

Since I'm still leading up to a vacation of sorts (unplanned and spontaneous as it is going to be), this will be the last item I list in the shop before vacation. 
Destinations Unknown Necklace

As well, a few items were placed ON SALE in the shop including this necklace (a favorite of mine.)
Secret Garden Necklace - ON SALE

I've got some plans for the rest of the day and need to be on my way.
Have a happy Hump Day!


  1. Can't wait to see what you come up with! Those colors are screaming at me too ;) Love blues and yellows!

  2. Hope, I encourage you to break out of your shell and try! It won't hurt anything- you'll just end up being proud of yourself, AND have a great piece of jewelry, and it would just be a bonus if you won! It looks like you're off to a great start!

  3. Great color combination! It's very soothing, yet summery!
    Enjoy your vacation :)

  4. Holly- Yes, are those just some of the most fantastic colors!?

    Erin- Thank you for the encouragement. It's hard to put myself out there sometimes. I'm making an attempt to overcome that! Here's hoping I can get this piece done SOON!

    Bibi- Isn't it? Thanks so much hun!


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