A Trip to Michael's and Some Jewelry for Sale

Brown Sugar and Spice Earrings
I think the inspiration wave has finally hit! I woke up yesterday with ideas for designs floating in my head (that's where most of my ideas come from, dreams.) Yet, before I could get all messy in the craft room, I had to send out the prize winner her package and then make a run to Michaels.

You see, I saw in the sales paper that they had the Industrial Chic line on sale and I knew for a fact that last week they had added some new pieces to that line. So, it was imperative that I head over there to check it out before I started on anything.

On my last Michael's excursion, I had noticed that they were re-arranging the jewelry section. "No big deal," I had thought. Big chain stores re-arrange all the time. However, when I got there yesterday, here's some of what greeted me in the jewelry section.
Big bins yet to be filled

Several whole empty sections of wall

And some new products, like this line of dapping tools and supplies.

When I checked out, I made sure to ask when they would be finished with the jewelry section. The cashier assured me they were almost done and everything should be in place sometime next week. I don't think I can wait! Has your Michael's been transformed? Have you seen some new items? Let me know!

I do need to head back there this afternoon to exchange an item that is flawed beyond use. No biggie. I'll just get another. Of course, this morning I also received an e-mail coupon for 20% off my entire purchase. That could be dangerous. If you aren't signed up for the Michael's newsletter, you really should. Those coupon deals can be pretty awesome!

Lastly, I've added a few more items to the shop and figured I better share before I immerse myself in my craft habit! ;) First are the earrings at the top of the page. And then there are these three beauties:
Pushing My Buttons Bracelet
Scaredy Cat Halloween Necklace
Isn't it Grape Necklace


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