All Over The Place

Don't you just love randomness? Here's a ton of it for you!!
I FINALLY got in my craft room today for a few hours and when I left it, this is what was on it.

Of course, my shadow (Asia) was there the whole time to supervise.

I've written and re-written this about six times in my head and twice more on the computer.
Let me just say: I save links. LOTS of links and I'm ready to start purging some of that information here.
What I'm sharing today was originally intended for my other blog, but I've since given that up to just post here.
These are SOME of the crafty links I have saved of some cool projects and inspiration I've found.
Tonight, I just randomly picked a topic - collage/mixed media/decoupage and these are the links that I've tagged with those subjects. Enjoy!!
Maybe the next time I throw these links at you I'll give you some more information. Maybe.

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