Holiday Weekend Indeed - A Good Start

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but Pat and I don't have people over to our house. Really! Almost all of our friends have kids, so it's easier to just go to friends' houses. As far as family, we just tend to go over to their houses. This week, we decided to order the Alabama game on Pay-per-view to ensure that we got to see it (I'm obsessive about my Alabama football.) and ask our family (who are also big Alabama fans) over to watch.

We chowed down on chips and guacamole, crackers and hummus, pound cake, and beer.
As well as Pat's favorite, Taco Soup!

It also gave my mom and step-dad a reason to stop by my bother-in-law's house on the way and pick up this!!

I LOVE this chair! It was my uncle's and the BIL is afraid that the kids will tear it up.
I'm a little afraid our cats will tear it up too. But, I'm so glad to have some extra seating, especially something so gorgeous (and COMFORTABLE!! - I'm sitting in it now!) I think I want a couple of small colorful pillows for it, but for now . . .it's great just to have it!!

Anyway, I thought I'd check in real quick. I've sketched out a ton of jewelry designs over the past two days and really should get to work on them . . . plus the several items I have to list . . .too much to do, and it's a Holiday Weekend. Oh well, what's Labor Day without a little laboring?

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