Gratitude, a Teaser, and Links (oh my!)

I sold another few items on Etsy yesterday and then took some jewelry to my Mardi Gras meeting as well as wore some of my jewelry. I got tons of compliments and a nice warm, fuzzy feeling. It helped me realize how much I have to thank you. My friends on Twitter, Facebook, and IRL (in real life) are the ones who have really helped encourage me and push me to this point. As well as becoming my customers. I truly and sincerely appreciate it. THANK YOU!!!

Today was spent on a wild hair. I started working on a project yesterday and shared this picture on Facebook.

 When I got up this morning to complete the project, I suddenly decided to try and video the process. After completing the taping, I spent the afternoon/part of the evening learning to edit video. I plan on maybe uploading it to YouTube later tonight and then sharing it with you tomorrow. It's not great and was definitely fun to make, but I've got some learning to do. I'll tell you about later.

Now, for some Crafty Links. Today's tag? Sewing. I'm no seamstress myself, but I do have two sewing machines that I WILL learn to use at some point. So, I've been saving these links for that day. Of course, some of these also relate to embroidery as well.
  • How very cute are these embroidered plushies from Pimp Stitch? I'm so glad they've shared the tutorial. One day . . .
  • I SO WANT this selvedge dress made by RicRac. So cool!
  • This fabric scarf holder would look so great behind my front door. It's a good thing A Box Living made it a tutorial!
  • A rag-rug type fabric bowl? Be still my heart. Thanks to CraftStylish's tutorial I can may make my own at some point.
Lastly, here are some 'wild, wild Web Wednesday' links
Hopefully I'll have a video for you tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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