And the Winner Is . . . .

My first ever Giveaway is now over.
Thanks to all who participated. I really enjoyed finding out what items in my shop you like.
So without further ado. . .
I wrote down the names

Cut them into strips, folded tightly, and placed them in a bowl.

Had Pat pull the name; and it's. . . .

Aardvark of Southern Fried Snark
Yay!! Congrats! And, I happen to know it's also her birthday. So Happy Birthday Ra and I'll get with you in one of the many ways I know how to and get the info I need from you to send out your prize pack.

Again, thanks to everyone who played along and keep your eye out for other giveaways in the future!

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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