Working on My Rhythm (TRT)

Now that I've actually got some items listed in the Crafty Hope Jewelry Etsy shop, I'm struggling to come up with a daily/weekly schedule of how to spend my time.

Currently, I'm waking up (a little too late), having coffee, blogging and going through e-mails before I head into any major tasks for the day. Unfortunately, yesterday was spent with very little crafty time. I used the morning to organize recipes, develop a menu for the week, and make a grocery list. The afternoon was spent running errands (bank, grocery store, etc.) with a side trip to a few thrift stores. [I'll share my finds with you later in the week.]

For now, you can just look at the state of my craft desk and tell that I've been busy!!
Now, to get in there, clean it up, and get to work!! Of course, while I work I'll be thinking of the best way to organize my time. If any other crafters out there have a method to their madness, please share!!

I'll leave you with some Totally Random Tuesday links:
  • This cooking by numbers site supposedly helps you come up with what to cook based on what you have on hand. I haven't tried it yet. But, I like those kind of tools when I'm stuck with NO IDEAS for dinner and a lack of desire to run to the grocery store. 
  • For those of you with kids, check out this list of the top 5 search engines for kids.
  • Think you're pretty good with geography? Try this game where you have to place the states on a map
  • Lastly, check out this floor tiled with PENNIES. You heard me, tiled with pennies. It's very weird, but then so very cool.

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