Sunday Somethings

I'm still searching for that balance I mentioned at the beginning of the week. And, while I'm not quite a master of it yet, I've definitely started to get the hang of it.

For this lazy Sunday morning I'm having I just wanted to share a few things with you:
  • If you haven't noticed, I sold a few items in the shop. [What do you mean you haven't noticed? Why don't you head on over and check it out (when you're done reading this of course). Just use the Etsy widget on the right ---> and click where it says CraftyHope to be taken to the shop. (That's NEW!! Go ahead and touch it, you won't break it!!)
  • I'm so happy that the ladies who have purchased the pieces have given me some feedback on the items they received. I know what course of action I need to take. I think.
  • Oldest Niece spent the night Friday night. She was desperate to make some jewelry and for some reason wanted to closely replicate a necklace I wear fairly often (and had JUST worn to see her on Wednesday.) When she was done with that (as well as painting a picture for her sister), she asked that I take a picture of them to put up on the internetz. Here are her masterpieces:

    This is both the necklace and picture in full form.
    Here's a better view of her necklace.

  • I had a bad case of lack of inspiration on Thursday so I drug myself up to the bookstore, bought a caffeine fix, and gathered a STACK of books and magazines. After about an hour and a half of flipping pages, I felt like myself again.It's amazing what some coffee and glossy paper will do!!
So that's it. I just wanted to pop in and not feel the pressure to put out anything super insightful. Just wanted to make an appearance. I have. Now, I'm out to enjoy the rest of my weekend! You do the same!

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