Fun Weekend With Some Craftiness (MMSM)

As I stated on Friday, we had a fun weekend planned. And fun it was!
Margaritas on Friday
Yard Sales on Saturday morning
Our attempt to go to the beach was thwarted, so I camped out in the craft room while LOML played with some of his recording-studio software.
Sunday was a blast at a pool party with friends followed by more crafting.
It truly was a fun-filled weekend in every possible way. Some time with friends, some time with each other, some time doing our favorite activities. I even got the fridge cleaned out!!
Here's a sampling of what I accomplished in the craft room:
Pretty crafty huh?

I hope to get a post up either here or on the Fairly Creative site with some more info and pictures of these projects. I'll let ya' know!!

Besides the torrential rain we're having right now, Monday's going pretty well for me. I was actually able to get out of bed this morning with enough time to do some yoga before heading to work. Now, if only I can keep that up. Anyway, it's time for some "Made Me Smile Monday":
So that's about it for now. I've got all kinds of plans for what to do tonight (especially since my Monday shows ended their season last week) and hopefully some of it gets accomplished.

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