Crafty Pictures (FGF)

I've got several ideas for blog posts I'm tinkering around with but am not quite ready to post yet.

As such, I don't really have much to say (especially since I posted so late last night). I had a feeling that would happen, so I snapped some pictures in the craft room before I ran out the door this morning. You better appreciate these, I was late to work after getting them. This is a continuation of the little bit I revealed the other day.Here are the backs again with the words highlighted and the copper foil on (I'm still not really good with the foil yet) Here's a little view of all the fronts I'm working on right now. If you can't tell, they're letters that correspond with the words on the backs. Here's an even closer view of them.
And, although a bit fuzzy, this is the closest view I could get in the light I had this morning.

I know they're a little wacky, but I started them forever ago and am determined to get them done. Almost there!! After that, I've got no idea what to do with them. Suggestions?

And now, if that wasn't nice enough - it's also "Feel Good Friday." These are more craft-related

Tomorrow is LOML's birthday, tonight is Margarita Friday, and Sunday is fun at a friend's pool. We've got a busy (but fun) weekend ahead. Looking forward to it!!


  1. Your work is wonderful! I love 'crafty things' too but haven't taken on copper.

    I live in Baldwin County and I found your blog on the Alabama bloggers list on and wanted to say hello.

    "Hello!" :D

    Have a great day.

  2. Jennifer - THANKS!! I'm hoping to put more of my crafty stuff up here for show. We'll see how that works.

    I'm so glad you found me. Your dust bunny hostage blog is hilarious and inspired. I'll be visiting you often.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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