Menu Plan and a Blown Diet

Even though the craziness of this past weekend is over, I still feel a little pressed for time. I'm hoping that my mind will slow down soon and I can focus on the things I need and want to accomplish this week.

First and foremost on my mind is my diet. I really went overboard on the comfort foods and sweets this weekend and the scale was groaning in protest about it this morning. I've got to learn to make better food choices when I go out to eat, but sometimes it's so very hard not to get the cheesiest, carb-iest, fatty-est food on the menu. I've already messed up today with lunch even, but I'm hoping we can stick fairly close to the rest of this week's menu.

Breakfasts: Juice; Smoothies w/peanut butter bagels; Cereal (hot or cold) w/fruit; Bacon, potato, and egg casserole w/fruit

Lunches: Cheese bagel and mushroom pizzas w/fruit, Juice, PB&J w/fruit & string cheese, Tuna noodles w/carrot sticks, Black bean and corn quesidillas

Mushroom stroganoff w/steamed green beans
Peanut crusted tofu triangles w/seasoned rice and broccoli parmesan fritters
Easy vegetable beef soup (substitute soy crumbles for the beef)

I'm still using My Fitness Pal to track both my calories and exercise and should have known better this weekend when I was avoiding entering some of the foods I consumed. I think I got them all in there, but it's embarrassing to look at how much I went over. I MUST do better.

Now, I'm wondering how YOU decide to make the right, healthy choice when dining out or at a party? I'd love to know if you have any tips or tricks to make yourself eat more consciously. Oh, and if you're using My Fitness Pal too, friend me. I'm CraftyHope (of course). Help me be accountable!


  1. Eating a salad before helps. Try to sick with protein, veggies, fruits when at a party. Limit the sweets, but don't deprive yourself either. You can do it!

  2. Heather- I've always been a big salad eater, but not every salad is a healthy salad, especially when they pile on cheese, creamy dressing, croutons, and bacon as they do in SO MANY establishments around here. I still order them, it's what comes after them that makes the biggest impact on my waistline. I'm trying though. Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. Hope, I'm just starting on my weight loss journey, and I told my husband I want this one to be for keeps. That means I'm starting out, knowing I'm gonna mess up, and I'm ok with that. I'm not going to beat myself up, I'm going to learn what my danger situations are, and come up with a plan to deal with them. And I realize that this is a forever eating healthier, and exercising more...I am learning that I need to drink a glass of water before EVERY meal. Number one, because I'm a lot more dehydrated than I think I am, and number two, because it will keep me from eating as much. Cheering you on girl!!

  4. Shirley- You are so right. A diet and fitness plan is a Lifestyle change, not a 'get skinny quick' plan. Pat and I don't believe in crash or fad diets. We believe in working to make ourselves more healthy and that's what we're trying to do. It sounds like that's what you're doing too. Best of luck to you as well and THANK YOU for the support!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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