Grace Reveal and a Little More College Football

I'm a little ahead of the game out of pure luck I suppose. The prompt this week for the Year of Jewelry Project is GRACE.

"Grace" really has a lot of meanings, interpretations, and definitions and I definitely won't get into all of those. I do have to say that what I saw on the football field last night by the Alabama Crimson Tide was indeed grace. Their skill and ability, the ease at which they played, and their general sportsmanship (with a few exceptions) exuded grace. Roll Tide for sure y'all!

Interestingly, a few days ago (before I ever saw what this week's prompt would be) I listed this necklace in my shop. It's name? Grace.

Don't you find it kind of funny that the the only beads of color I placed on that necklace are crimson in hue and that there's a chandelier crystal in it (the BCS Championship trophy is a crystal football)? I know I'm reading to much into this. I do tend to over-analyze things.

In any case, this is my submission for Grace. Head over to this week's album to see how other designers interpreted the prompt.

I also HAVE to share this picture of the pendant I won from Therese at Therese's Treasures. I received it in the mail yesterday, and it must have been a sign of good luck as Therese lives in Alabama too!
Yes. . .yesterday was a very lucky day! (well, with the exception of it being the end of the college football season.)

Don't forget to visit the Year of Jewelry Project facebook page for more on this endeavor.


  1. Love the Grace necklace, and LOVE to be able to say to someone who will really appreciate it -- ROLL TIDE!!

    Holy cow, what a fantastic game that was! Rammer Jammer!

  2. Grace is lovely! And the pendant you won is beautiful! I can't wait to see what you create next.

  3. Linda- I tried to send you an e-mail response but it bounced back. Anyway. . here's what it said.

    Aw, thanks so much. I'm hoping to bust out some projects today. . .I hope. I kinda have to see where the day takes me.
    Thanks for popping in :)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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